09/06/2024 WRFR Odds and Ends Playlist

 September 6th Playlist  Hour 1: The Odds and Ends Radio Show has found Religion!   Hour 2: Anything goes and Happy Birthday Buster Bloodvessel

Hour 1

  • My Sweet Lord - George Harrison
  • Dirty Little Religion - Warren Zevon
  • Jesus, The Missing Years - John Prine
  • Personal Jesus - Depeche Mode
  • The Ball Game - Sister Wynona Carr
  • Plastic Jesus - The ByGones
  • Highway 61 Revisited - Bob Dylan
  • Syphillis & Religion - Graham Parker
  • God Don't Like It - The Jake Leg Jug Band
  • Jesus Loves Me (But He Can't Stand You) - Austin Lounge Lizards
  • Give God the Blues - Shemekia Copeland
  • Religion Ruined My Life - Brian Ritchie
  • Teen for God - Dar Williams
  • Aethiests Don't Have No Songs - Steve Martin and the Steep Canyon Rangers

Hour 2

  • All My Fault - Fantastic Cat
  • Racoon, Rooster and Crow - The Felice Brothers
  • Hummingbird - Fastball
  • 1933 - Frank Turner
  • Shape Shifter - They Might Be Giants
  • Pretty Girls - Joe Jackson
  • Remembering Passwords - Christine Lavin
  • Something Ain't Right - David Byrne
  • White Rabbit - Patti Smith
  • Cannonball - Michigander
  • Jealous of the Boys - Kayle Pruitt
  • Don't Be Afraid - Pamela Davis
  • Tomorrow Never Knows (Take 1) The Beatles
  • Don't Mess With My Man- Irma Thomas
  • Mango - Buster Bloodvessel   


  1. Another fun Friday listening to Odds and Ends. Thanks for the shout-out!

    1. Thanks Maria, I hope that my religious hour was only slightly offensive!


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